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How can I give?

By Standing Order through your bank. Put your name as the Reference along with either General or Fabric to let us know who it is from and where it is going: 

By Weekly envelope with cash or cheque payable to "Templepatrick Parish Church" : 

By bank transfer to the following:

General Fund: Account Number: 71017373.   Sort Code: 95 02 27

Fabric Fund: Account Number: 71017381.  Sort Code: 95 02 27

Or give online:

It costs a good deal of money (at least £85k every year)  to run the United Parish, money which must be entirely raised each year by our members as we receive no outside funding from the wider Church of Ireland or elsewhere. These costs include contributions to the Diocese, all staffing costs (Rector, Organists, Cleaner, and maintenance people) and the maintenance of our beautiful buildings, the two Churches, Parish Hall and Vicarage. On top of this we spend significant funds on Community outreach and support for charities, which we consider central to our mission.


We raise all our income in the following ways:

·         Monthly Standing Orders;

·         Weekly Envelopes;  

·         Plate collections;

·         Fund raising events; and

·         Donations.



We can maximise the value of your financial giving in two ways:

·         If you are a UK Taxpayer, please Gift Aid your giving so that we can reclaim the tax; and

·         Pay by monthly Standing Order so that we have a steady income stream to avoid credit charges.


We operate two accounts, one for day to day expenses (including salaries) and one for building projects, and encourage people to contribute to both. .





In the past we have benefited enormously from Parishioners giving their time freely to complete a significant amount of voluntary work which reduces the cost of paying for some services such a cleaning and grass cutting, but this is in decline as people have aged or have less time to spare in their increasingly busy lives. Filling this gap increases the money we need to raise on an ongoing basis. All giving, both financial and in time, is entirely voluntary and we very much appreciate all contributions - large and small.


It is our policy to donate at least 50% of all proceeds of our fund raising events to a local charity chosen by the Parish each year. By choosing a single main charity we can give them a significant sum, rather that sharing small amounts around many causes.



IIf you already give and have not reviewed the level of your contributions for several years, please consider increasing your support to help us meet costs which continue to rise year on year due to inflation.




The building account, known as the “Fabric Fund”, is vital to allow us to improve our facilities to meet the needs of the Parish, for example, improving disabled access. Separate envelopes and standing order forms are available for each account

Regular contributions are vital as our cash reserves would only allow the Parish to keep going for around two months

If you would like envelopes please contact the

Envelope Secretary Isobel McCollam 7 Lylehill Rd Templepatrick BT39 0EN.

Please make Cheques payable to "Templepatrick Parish Church"

or pay by bank transfer to the following:

General Fund: Account Number: 71017373.   Sort Code: 95 02 27

Fabric Fund: Account Number: 71017381.  Sort Code: 95 02 27


You may also print off a Standing Order form and send it to your bank if you do not use online banking


Charity for 2024 : Antrim Food Bank

Trussell Trust Food Bank

We support a nationwide network of food banks and together we provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty, and campaign for change to end the need for food banks in the UK.

In the UK, more than 14 million people are living in poverty – including 4.5 million children. We support more than 1,200 food bank centres in the UK to provide a minimum of three days’ nutritionally-balanced emergency food to people who have been referred in crisis, as well as support to help people resolve the crises they face. Between April 2018 and March 2019, food banks in our network provided a record 1.6 million food supplies to people in crisis, a 19% increase on the previous year.


Hon Treasurer: Michael Cooke 44 Rathmore Road Dunadry BT41 2HG 07768 273467 



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