New Here
What Should I Expect?
You’ll find that the style of worship is Anglican with a variety of Bible readings, hymns, Psalms and songs. There is usually a short talk (10 mins long). Our Communion services are open to all. Gustav Mahler said: “Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.” Our aim is to enable people of all ages, backgrounds, musical tastes and traditions to be able to worship the Lord in ways that set their hearts on fire with love for God and their neighbour.
What Time Are Services At?
Each Sunday we have a service at St. John's, Donegore at 10.00 am and one at St Patrick's starting at 11.30 am.
What Do You Have For Kids?
We have a Creche and Sunday School that meet during the service at St Patrick's and a Youth Fellowship that meets twice a month on a Sunday evening. Our aim is to provide a safe environment where they can enjoy themselves through making new relationships, trying out new activities and learning more about Jesus and living a Christian life.
What Should I Wear?
We know you might be worried about wearing the right thing when you come to church; we invite you to come as you are. Whether you are more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt, or a suit and tie, you'll fit right in.
Where Are You Located?
Our churches are located in Templepatrick and Donegore. For more more information click here.